Benefits of Backlinks

Backlinks are very important in SEO to get the higher ranking. Earlier the low quality links helped us to improve our rankings. After Penguin Algorithm Update, Google has been cracking down on low quality links. If you build the low quality backlinks for your website then as per Google guidelines, Google will penalized your site for violating Google’s guidelines.  So, always build quality backlinks for your website to rank higher on SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

Let’s take a look at why it is important to build quality backlinks to your website:

  1. Improve Ranking
  2. Fast Indexing
  3. Referral Traffic
  4. Branding
  5. Domain Authority
1- Improve Ranking

Backlinks help in getting higher rankings.

If your website is getting backlinks from relevant and high domain authority sites then your site will automatically rank higher in search results. Always try to use unique content while creating backlinks for your site.

2- Fast Indexing

Search engine bot searches for new webpages by following quality backlinks from high authority sites. Search engine bot crawls such sites faster and effectively which helps you to get higher ranking.

3- Referral Traffic

So the benefit of backlinks is that they help to get referral traffic to your site. Usually, People click on the link in the post to find out more details about the topic. When people click on the links then they are usually more targeted as well as less likely to leave the page fast.

Usually, Referral traffic is targeted and it has low bounce rate.

4- Branding

Links are viewable to the people and not only the search engine. Link building can be used for branding. Search engine is not fond of sites that use the same keyword- rich anchor text many times. So along with your targeted keyword, branded anchor text should be part of you link profile. Use your Brand name as an anchor text is a way of getting your brand name out there. If people see your name first time, might be they don’t click on that link but if they found your brand name many times and once they click then it would be biggest branding opportunity you have your site. So creating backlinks are very important, and valuable way to look at your brand.

5- Domain Authority

Backlinks play the key role to rank higher on search results. But make sure that you are building quality backlinks for your site.  You can increase your domain authority by building backlinks from high authority sites in your niche.

How to get backlinks?

First thing you need to know that build quality backlinks for your site instead of building numerous low quality backlinks.

What are the best ways to get quality backlinks for your blog?

  1. Write Great Articles
  2. Guest Blog Posting
  3. Replicate you Competitors backlinks
  4. Use Broken Link Method
  5. Submit to Web Directories
  • Write Great Articles

If your content is informative, interesting and engaging then people will link to it.

Do you want to know, how to create a great article?

Get some tips to write a great article-

  1. If people are looking for solution then provide them informative content so that they can get solution.
  2. Make sure that your content is easy to read and easy to understand.
  3. Write the unique and informative content
  4. Don’t use promotional language
  • Guest Blog Posting

In Guest blogging, you write a post for other people’s blog.

Nowadays, it’s difficult to find guest blogging sites. To increase your chances of being accepted, you need to look for such sites that are accepting guest posts. Guest blogging sites usually have a page for affiliates, such as “”Write for Us” or “Become an Author” page. Use Google’s advance search operators to find these sites.

  • [your_topic] “write for us”
  • [your_topic] “guest post”
  • [your_topic] “become an author”
  • [your_topic] inurl:contribute

Now you can follow the instruction and submit the pitch.

Some of these sites may not have a “write for us” page. Although, many guest blogging sites will accept a guest post if your pitch or topic is good enough.

  • Replicate Competitors Backlinks

Your website may be new but your competitors are not. That means two things:

  1. They are likely to get many backlinks
  2. They have built their own quality link building so that they can rank higher.

You can use it as your advantage. Now you can find out how they are getting your links and repeat them.

  • Use Broken Link Method

Broken links are links that have been deleted or no longer exist. Broken links needs to be removed because broken links contribute to a poor user experience.

This strategy takes advantage of that. The concept is simple:

  • You need to find a broken link
  • Recreate the dead content
  • Reach to people who link to that dead content and ask them to link to your recreated version.
  • Submit to Web Directories

You can get backlinks with an ease by submitting your bogs to web directories.

This method is not much popular because it is not easy to find web directories these days. You need to avoid web directories that ask you to create backlink to their site to get your site into their directory. Avoid automatic direct submission tactics. Automated site submissions will cause your blog to appear as spam. We hope this blog will help you to understand the basics of backlinks and why quality backlinks are important for blogs or websites to get higher ranking on Google or other search engines.

If you have started working on getting backlinks then let us know about your experience in comment.  

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